Welcome to my Artworld 

Art of the Barcode & QR-Code

I'm Mala Ramcharan from the Netherlands. 
After studying and experimenting with various techniques and disciplines, I was ready to shape my own signature style. Around 1995, I came across the barcode. I became fascinated by its abstraction and the hidden information within its coding. The seemingly simple vertical lines concealed an unexpected complexity, and that instantly captivated me.
Discover how I can make lines speak louder than words!

Titel: Barcode - Dare to Be Yourself -1-

Titel: Barcode - Dare to Be Yourself -2-

Titel: Barcode - Hi Ma La Ya 001-24

Titel: Barcode -  Dance 

Titel: Barcode - Dare to Be Yourself

Titel: Barcode - "Margaret's Hot Chocolate Society"

Titel: Barcode - Selfie Kiss 


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